Oromo Evangelical Christian church of Kansas City Missouri
Statements of purpose
Mission: to glorify GOD and serve forever (Eph:3÷21, Rom:11÷36, 1Pet: 4÷11). Therefore, our deeds and lives as church and individuals shall reflect and serve the glory of God.
Goals: to serve God and bring glory to him by ascertaining God-Ordained goals are established in scripture for the local church that is basically set forth in the great commission (Math:28÷19-20); equipping believers (Eph:4÷12-16, Col:1÷28-29) and evangelism of the lost (Rom:1÷14-16, Act:1÷8).
To provide means for developing and expressing meaningful worship in prayer, songs of praise, and adoration to worship God in truth & Spirit through Lord Jesus Christ according to the holy scripture (Heb:13:15, Eph: 5÷19, Act: 2÷42)
Statement of Faith
We believe in the plenary divine inspiration of the scripture in the original languages, their consequent inerrancy and infallibility, and as the word of God, the supreme and final authority in faith and life; both the old and new testaments are verbally inspired word of God and are the revelation of God to man. (2Tim: 3÷15-17, 1Thess: 2÷13, 2Pet:1÷21)
The Oromo evangelical Christian church of Kansas City Missouri believes that marriage and the family are instituted by God. The church blesses marriage and singleness and encourages families to grow in love. Marriage is a covenant relationship intended to unite a man and a woman for life. At creation, God designed marriage for companionship, sexual union, and the birth and nurture of children. Sexual intimacy rightfully takes place only within marriage. Marriage is to be characterized by mutual love, faithfulness, and submission. A believer should not marry an unbeliever. (Jude:1÷7, Levi:18÷22)